Our governance

Speedhub’s governance structure is as follows:

Shareholders meeting with an advisory role on activities, on economic and financial balance sheet. It elects the Revisor or boarding of revisors, identifing the president.

The Board of Directors is presided by the President of Speedhub Foundation. It is in charge of the ordinary and extraordinary management, it defines the general guidelines of the activities of the Foundation, it approves the final and estimating economic balance sheet, it appoints the Scientific Technical Committee. Moreover, it can stipulate convention with external bodies.

Speedhub Members:
different people,
linked by shared values

Institutions, organizations, companies: there are several sources that participate in the Speedhub project. An important variety of contributions that converge in a single objective: to develop the entrepreneurial and economic system making link between industries and the digital innovation to improve their competitiveness.

Profiles of our members:

Confindustria Verona is a local association part of the national system of Confindustria, the General Confederation of the Italian Industry. It represents 2.054 member companies for a total of 71.248 employees. In the ranking system it is 5th for number of companies.

They can provide professional and managerial skills in line with the activities of the DIH: several ideas, design capabilities, financial resources to give value and results to the project.

Their financial and/or institutional contribution supports the project and allows it to achieve the objectives of the DIH. This category also includes other territorial associations of the Confindustria System that are present in the provinces located in the geo-economic area of Brenner: Bolzano, Trento, Mantova.


Among the participating and institutional members, they are those who support the DIH with a significant financial contribution.

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Fondazione Speedhub

Piazza Cittadella 12 - 37122 Verona - Italia
C.F. 93274940233

Telephone: +39 045 8099426

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